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Brain Injury Association of MS/United Spinal Association MS Chapter

Solving the Invisible Wounds of War

Watch the 14th Annual Concussion Legacy Gala and and learn more about how you can help veterans through "Project Enlist".

The goal of Project Enlist is to serve as a catalyst for critical research on traumatic brain injury (TBI), chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in military veterans. TBI due to improvised explosive devices (IED) and other military service-related causes is a significant problem for our active duty military and veteran community. However, the scientific understanding of TBI and related disorders is in its infancy, and we lack accurate diagnostic tests for living patients and effective treatments. Service members diagnosed with TBI deserve our attention and support. Brain bank research is an essential step in developing effective treatments for TBI, CTE and PTSD so we can protect and support the heroes who courageously fight for our nation.


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